Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Embrace of Ambivalence

I feel like my soul is being slowly poured out over a rift in space that goes on into eternity.

My head is swimming in murky undefined thoughts that I can't grab onto or examine. They just cloud my vision, utter ennui.

What is this torture?

Monday, May 2, 2011

All, a Sleepy Hollow

Not even sleep will wrap its arms around me. 
Laying here, broken, bleeding, tears flow free. 
All I've ever known is crushed between your hands, 
Like my neck, as I get lighter, lighter,
Till I'm a sleepy hollow rising up to nothing, nowhere. 

I long for the sweet embrace of somnia, 
But there's no one left to hold me.
Only a memory of you, shattered to pieces, 
Lodged in the forefront of my mind like shards of glass, 
Out of reach, killing me, taunting me like eternity. 

It's what Dante couldn't dream. It's all I ever long for.